Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

Fanfare Widwed 14

A cat's eye view - no! Because I forgot to check what the theme was. Wide angle - yes. So I've partially completed the challenge, having managed to get the right day for wide angles. Maybe next week I'll get the theme as well.

Anyway, this is a new sculpture going up on the Northern Motorway out of Christchurch. It is a big ball covered with a multitude of  fans, with light bulbs in the centre.

It cost a fortune as sculptures do, so it's to be hoped it's left undamaged by those who like to destroy things.

Must go back and take it again at night when it's finished and lit.

You can see a guy carrying a fan in the centre - the one in the cherry picker is installing them.

My "extras" are a couple of spoonbills I saw today at the side of the road feeding at low tide.

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