Drove Road.

This is the one which got usurped by the inverted Union Flag.
Many moons ago I was informed, by one who purported to know that it was not the union ''Jack'' unless flown from the Jackstaff.

If the ubiquitous WIKIwotnot is flawless, it looks like I may have been miss-informed ...
''A jackstaff is a small vertical spar (pole) in the bow of a ship, on which a particular type of flag, known as a jack, is flown. The jackstaff was introduced in the 18th century and has no relation on how the Union Jack (the flag of The United Kingdom) got it's name''

Hey ho.

Then we look at ''Flag Institute'' and they hint it might be so.
Ye pays yer money and taks yer choice.

Be that as it may ... On to the ''Drove Road''. Should you, perhaps stray onto Google©Earth or Flashearth©, Fly over Penrith kinda Southish from Carlisle you'll see that, when the A6 kinks on its approach to Penrith there is a road "Inglewood Road" which follows a much straighter path about 1.25ml up and .75ml down.

This is it. I paced the verges ... About 6yds/mtr per verge and about 4yds/mtr of road.
Don't tell a certain Penrith building firm because chances are they'll put 100 houses on it. In this fair burgh leave a postage stamp on the ground overnight and there'll be 6 houses on it comes the dawn.

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