St John's, Danbury

Busy day preparing & sending papers to printers so we took an evening stroll up to the village centre, past St John's, Danbury. This small carving is settled next to the door.

According to wonderful Wikipedia, Danbury is located 33.5 miles northeast of Charing Cross, London and is situated on a hill 367 feet above sea level. Why we should be located with reference to Charing Cross is a mystery to me.

The church of St John the Baptist is the oldest building in the village, dating from the 13th century. There's a local folk tale that the church's spire was damaged by the Devil in the guise of a monk in the year 1402. According to the legend, the Devil passed between the legs of a parishioner as he departed, and the man later died of a wasting disease. We do like a good story.

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