
By pumpkin_a

Rough day at Mommy's school

I had an end of year party I wanted to go to and had work at my old site to deal with and I thought Pumpkin A would enjoy it. I even baked french toast for the event. Needless to say, she hated it. She hated the clapping and loud noises of the gathering. She hated being feed outside under the trees. She hated being in her stroller much of the time, or being held by others, or being held by me. She hated not playing or seeing anything interesting. She just had a crummy time, and to compound it, I made her stay with me and be late for first nap by an hour. Rough rest of the day but everyone appreciated seeing her and I got some work done. She needed so much rocking and dancing that I am totally beat and she hasn't even gone to bed yet. Daddy did let me take a nap, which was amazing but she refused to nap while I napped so he had her grumpy and upset I wasn't there for an hour before I woke up and came out to play. Hope tomorrow is better because we have another big outing with my friends.

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