An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

The Southampton Stroller...

Went out at 9.30 to Southampton, by bus, to buy a small rucksack, for light, summer use. Got that but then Strolled, missing not only the last bus home, but ended up having to buy a single ticket for the last train, getting home well after midnight....

I then fell asleep during the download, despite the SD card being a fast 95mbs 'read', and so my image of the new Ocean Village at sunset, one of my more peaceful shots from the day, with its new tall tower silhouetted against the watery sun, goes up a bit late.

Testing the new (to me) Tokina 16-50mm f2.8, again. Try LARGE

Big thanks to ALL for everything on yesterday's poppy shot.

Amesbury's Carnival a bit later today, a first for me.

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