Sunset over Southwell Folk Festival

A fabulous night at the Southwell Folk Festival. Stevie & I started out, as any good journey should, at The Hearty Good Fellow. Drink & food nourished us for what then turned out to be an accidental three mile walk. The Festival it transpired wasn't near the Southwell Racecourse; it was actually at it! Still the walk down the pretty country lane was a delight (bar the section past a farm sewer) and we arrived looking our usual debonair bohemian selves...

Into its 9th year & looking mighty fine in its new venue, we ventured into tents and drank local beer which was nice on the first sip and then went downhill from there. Of course if you're into it you would be thrilled!

Main tent held our attention and The Young 'Uns' were outstanding. Witty, poignant and stunning singing.

Clannad played a lengthy set and Moyà's vocal was simply incredible.

Blessed Guinness to close the night in the small tent listening to a fine four piece whilst behind us in the bar folk sat around tables and made their own music.

Ever was and will be; this there blessed country with its sounds of nature, joy and woe.


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