Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


From here to there, and, back again.

Some days feel like groundhog day.

Familiar scenes drift by, sights and sounds parade infront of you like an often watched movie, you know the ending but you see different things on the way.

Like a child running in circles, giddy from the event, the world spins around as if we stayed static, fixed in one spot. I remember seeing an early black and white film all grainy and juddering, a man running on the spot, the scenery behind on a feels like that some days. Not a bad thing...not a good thing....just a thing.

So here goes another day.....what on earth will happen today?

Same as yesterday probably, but I will be different, so, the view will be the same but my take on it will give me new wonders... new sensations.....and the chance to run in circles and get a little giddy!


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