
By patrona

What is it?

My search for a relaxing hobby is turning into a high stress desperate last minute rush to get something photographed within the 24 hour envelope that is a called a day.

As soon as I pick up my camera I find myself ambushed by circumstance, one two or all of the list below happens to me simultaneously:
1) The battery goes flat
2) Every photogenic beastie, whether fish, flesh, fowl or creepy crawly, goes into hiding/hibernation or poses for just under the time I need to focus, check lens cap removed, wake up, ease the cramp in my left leg, not necessarily in that order.
3) The bell sounds at the garden door heralding the arrival of evangelical Christians trying to sell me the gospels in weekly parts, the swimming pool guy with thirty bags of salt that he can't move because of his bad back, a tree surgeon arriving to assess my dying oak, Rafa the Cabellero with a B&B request, or the postie, who can't work the letter box.
4) The sun goes away, the clouds descend and it pours
5) The kiddiewinkies need picking up, dropping off, girlfriends delivered, girlfriends collected, taking to the bus because they have left it too late to walk, picking up from the bus because they can't walk another step
6) The MIL phones, the sister phones, the brother phones, the long lost school friend phones, the teacher who can't turn out to teach because her partner has left her, phones, the teacher who has left his keys at home and can I go and let him in to the school phones, the MIL phones again, the teacher who had left his keys, phones, he has now finished teaching but can I go and lock the school.
7) There is no petrol in Jessica because I forgot my wallet when I was in town and had no money for fuel, nor cards, nor any other means of payment.
8) The septic tank is not flowing away and there is unmentionable recycling in the boys shower.
9) Swiss Linda has overbooked at the B&B and wonders if we can accommodate a girls choir for two nights.
10 ) I am totally out of ideas, energy and imagination.

The next person to ask me what I do all day, is likely to end up as a portrait study of "enquirer with black eye"

I still haven't got round to explaining the tile behind thewatering can ah well another day, perhaps.

In the meantime can anybody tell me what plant this flower is from?

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