Special indeed!

I had not been part of this strange world of ours for very long, before I came upon Kendall and, like many other people, I was entranced by her thoughts, her words, her pictures. She has over the years introduced us all to so many books, poems, artists, photographers, people. She has shared sorrow and joy with great intensity. I have been amazed by the breadth of her knowledge and of her compassion. She holds similar views on the inequalities in the world to many of us and yet we are astounded by how, she does not just think these things, she does things that make a difference. She inspires everyone in so many different ways. We have been friends on blip for a long time . . .

 . . . and today I met her!
A magical day.
There will be many photos capturing this very special Blipmeet.  You’ll find a picture of most of us here. What a fine group of blippers – every one of them special.
In my blip, High Pike is explaining something to WhiskeyFoxtrot, Bluheron and Kendall with the background of the lovely Staithes. (I have no idea what he was telling them.)
And my extra photo is two of our group taking tea in a splendidly ‘proper’ teashop with china cups and magnificent teapots.

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