2 headed Marshall

Park run was on this morning so we went along to help out and cheer 'em on! 

The boys did a fantastic job! 

And we had two special moments...... 

Jamie got to shake the winners hand!! (don't think he could believe it... He was well chuffed with himself...... Jamie that is, not the man!!) 


We met a man with a cockapoo which was white and black and gorgeous. Very similar in size to Ozzy (Ozzy is quite a big cockapoo and haven't met another one as big) and very like him to look at. 
After a bit of a chat to the owner it turns out he's one of Ozzy's half brothers! (got a photo of him of course!) 

Ru away on a sleepover tonight so Jamie had a wee pal round for tea and a movie. 

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