Wu tang clan ain't nuthing to

To say that we are currently not only burning the candle at both ends but also have some burning going on in the middle also is not an exaggeration.

Up and out very early with a full on day in the office keeping those well oiled wheels of industry a rolling on as people worked furiously around the proverbial clock, yadda yadda yadda.

Trip to the bank at lunch, then after work on the tram, up to pick up the car, off to pick up 3/5s of club107 who spent the day avoiding workmen, then out to pick up the eldest having got something for dinner. Sister arrived for babysitting then we're off to Glasgow for the Wu tang clan.

Ok so no RZA, Raekwon or Method but it was still stunning. Hard to think of a band I've listened to more in the last 20 years.

Apparently however it is so embarrassing that we went to see them. A to the K


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