Boy oh boy....

Do I ache?!!!!
2, possibly 3, months ago Mr C ordered some wardrobes and drawers for our bedroom and they arrived during the week. So today Mr C has been assembling various flat packs together whilst I have been cleaning, sorting and moving our bedroom around. I'm quite ashamed at how bad it was!!! We are quite lucky that we have a large room but it is also used as a dumping ground for spare quilts, bags and anything that doesn't fit into their own rooms!!

We worked non-stop until about 11pm when I desperately needed my bed. There is still lots to do and one more wardrobe to be made so hopefully over the coming days it will start to take shape.

During the sort out I came across this baby quilt cover made for me by a friend I worked with when I was expecting Lucy. It has all the alphabet on it but I chose the children's initials to give you a little snapshot of it.

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