
By hsuf


I blipped this once and it was even featured on the blip Facebook page.

It's a little poignant tonight because we've had bad news as a country. You may have heard of the earthquake in Sabah, Malaysia on Friday. Some 12 year olds from a Singapore primary school and their teachers were on a hike, a learning journey and leadership challenge for outstanding school leaders. A joyful, happy occasion but they were caught on an open cliff on Mount Kinabalu near the epicenter of the quake and were faced with a barrage of falling rocks. So far, six children, one teacher and a sports coach have been confirmed amongst the dead, with another two children and one teacher still missing out of a total of 19 confirmed dead.

It's a freak accident, an unforeseen natural disaster, but as a parent, especially as my daughter is herself overseas on a school service trip toght now, it has been a heartbreaking weekend. Tomorrow will be a day of national remembrance for these young children and their teachers. Apparently some teachers shielded the children from falling rocks with their own bodies. Such bravery and dedication from them, they may well have given their lives to save the children.

This art installation is, to me, about chasing dreams. I'm so so sorry that these kids and their teachers will not be able to chase theirs ever again.

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