Lonely lido

Firstly thank you everybody for getting my blip of Ruby onto the popular pages, your comments were so warm and generous x
Woke up fairly early for a Sunday and decided to drive over to the little garden nursery by the old bridge in Ilkley to get some asparagus plants for the allotment. Passing Ilkley Lido on the way I stopped to take this shot through the fence. Didn't want to do it later when the bathers were there in case I got arrested !
Cafe had its doors open ready for the brave souls who would be ready to enter the freezing water and the jump out quickly to get a hot drink!
This was a place I came to regularly when I was a little girl and where I learned to swim, taught by an older brother who cared for me like a father after my Dad was killed in a car accident when I was two years old
A long time ago but when I looked through the fence I could remember me in my turquoise swimming costume sat on a step on the water fountain as if it were yesterday.
I still go there once or twice a year taking my Granddaughters after school when there is a really hot day.
Wonder if it will get hot enough to go this year?

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