Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Viewers at an Exhibition

Not long back from Carlow Town where we spent the day immersing ourselves in art. The Carlow Arts Festival wound up today after its week long run and we simply had to get there to see the latest offerings.
Excellent show mounted by the local Photographic Society was well worth the trip in itself but all in all we must have seen about eight exhibitions during the day and that was without even trying to find the many more around the own. The visual art was liberally supported by music, poetry and literature events as well.
Here in this shot you see two guys spread out on the floor and chilling out as they watch what I reckon was the best video installation I have ever seen. Generally speaking I detest these things but this was different. A class piece of work and interactive too. Called "Ghost", it depicted human figures in a snowstorm in the mountains but the beauty about it was the way that if you stood in a certain place on the floor your movements are picked up and translated into a character on screen. Your ghost indeed, which remains in the video long after you have gone home. Quite enthralling.

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