Hector's House

By MisterPrime


I was walking home from work in the rain the other day, getting wet, listening to this, when the sun came out for a while, still raining, and for a moment the drops lit up like little lights as they fell from the sky - that's kind of like how Henry's Dress sound (rubbish name, though!) Apart from a handful of singles, they released just a long EP and a short album on Slumberland records in the mid-90's, both really good. They're kind of like an American take on our own C86 indiepop sound with added Sonic Youth garage-clang, wall-of-sound harmonies and a dash of Valentines-y feedback noise (as in the definite sense of glee in making a guitar squeal between verses and leaving in a bit of amp crackle at the end...) It's raining again this afternoon - I might have to put them back on and pop out for a wander...!

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