Mono Monday: Week 71 .......


I was looking around the house for something with curves and saw this adorable garden gate that R got for me as a squirrel prop. Just look at all those curves ~ perfect for the challenge.

I took several (okay, more than several!) other photos today of the squirrels at my garden gate, but I really loved this one the most.  I'm not sure why, but this sweetie kept going up and trying to "grab" the round knob at the top of my prop.  I didn't even have any peanut butter up there!  

After taking photos of this in the front yard I moved it to the back.  For a color version check out my Nuttin' But Squirrels shot. 

I still have a ton of catching up to do since returning from vacation, but I wanted to get my mono-Monday shot up first.  More photos to follow .......

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