Tiny Tuesday - Leaf Miner

We went to Harrogate this morning - mainly to get me some new walking boots - the ones I bought last year have worn out and leak like a sieve (not that they were very waterproof to begin with!) I would love to know how many hundreds of miles they have walked!

We popped into M&S cafe for a cafe and snack - and I have to say that the service was appalling! Everything was so slow - there were only three customers in front and it took over 10 minutes to get served and then we had to wait for the coffee! By the time we got sat down the queue was out of the door. 

Out on our dog walk I was looking for Tiny Tuesday subjects - and I found this leaf miner (minor - tiny??? - ok, maybe not).

I brought it home and stuck it on the back door - and set the camera up on the tripod - 100mm macro lens and a full set of Kenko extension tubes (68mm)! I peeled back the upper surface of the leaf to expose the grub - but it soon began to burrow again - as you can see in the shot! Lit with my ringflash unit.

It was only about 5mm long and this is about a 30% crop

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