
By Thatwomansstall

Holy communion......How much??

My daughter's First Holy Communion has fast approached and is set for this ever I try to be organised. 
I started in February to be fair...knowing money is tight tight tight...I sent a request out on our local freecycle sites to see if anyone had a dress they no longer required. My prayers were answered so to speak....and a lovely lady offered me one that her daughter had been given to play in. 

The dress was beautiful....I took it home turned it inside out ( Yes you can was wedding dresses the same I worked in Bridal for three years) and it came out super. 

 Since then it has graced my clothes rail...silently winking at me to get done but hey ho....organised still in the making. Four sizes too big but could be altered. I'm still in the process of that alteration (I know last minute dot com) but it will be done by close of day tomorrow (Fingers crossed). 
Shoes £10 a lovely white sandal with a wedge heel (something she can wear in the summer) 

So now to accessories...a veil. I know it's a nice extra but not a necessity.....well let me tell you that nice little and they are small veil....a whopping £16!!! 
Nooo I don't think so fellow thrifty ones. So off to my local market I trip this morning chanting "£16 they have to be kidding ", under my breath like Victor Meldrew. 

 I purchase half a yard of 60 inch wide net 97p.....comb clear 35p....and white satin binding £2.00  .....£3.32 and she gets a fuller veil two tier and it will take just 1/2 an hour to sew up!!! 

Chatting to a friend tonight she complains about the cost of her daughter onsible ......£168 (I shudder at the thought)

Her jaw dropped at  £13.32 better yet I cant wait to see her face on Sunday ....God Bless x

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