Today's Thoughts

By AApple

A Big World

I took these in my backyard again; we've been spending more time outside because of the lovely weather :)

I found this little guy stuck on the wall of the house. I used to touch them with my finger when I was a child, but I recently learned that they might be poisonous (might because I'm not sure if the caterpillars in my backyard are the same species as the poisonous one). To avoid any trips to the emergency room, now I just watch them squiggle around :)

I titled the entry "A Big World" because it must be so for small insects. The lawn must seem like a forest, and trees, skyscrapers. I wonder, if I were as little as a caterpillar, how long would it take for me to cross the back lawn...?

Extra Photo

Yet again, I've used up another slot for extra photos!!! I can't help it; I just love flowers so much, especially the tiny and cute ones :) I realized that the flower picture is a bit blurry, but I kind of like it like that. It gives me the feeling that the photo truly captured a single moment in time, while also oddly exuding a dream-like quality.

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