
By Kuifje

Dive In

He stood on the edge and stared down into the dark depths. He took a long slow breath and let it go with a loud sigh. This wasn't new to him. He'd done it before, many times. He shook his arms and then his legs one by one. He jumped up and down slightly, preparing himself as he would for any other dive. His focus was still down into the black.

This really should be a piece of cake, all he needed to do was take the leap. Yet it seemed darker than anything he'd seen before, not just darker but more enclosed. The last two dives had been into narrow channels, why was he so bothered about this one?

Maybe it was the amber colour of the liquid that unnerved him, perhaps it was the bubbles rising slowly from what he could only assume was the bottom. Another deep breath. He closed his eyes.

Eyes still tight shut, he did his final shake of all limbs and rose up onto his toes. His arms lifted automatically to his sides, as they seemed to move in a slow motion fashion above his head, his eyes snapped open.

Within a blink of an eye, he took a deep breath, let his knees bend and launched himself up and over. His feet were the last part of him to cut through the foam and into the depth below.

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