LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Getting Ready

Long day at work today preparing for an event next week, so this is pretty much an emergency blip taken during a quick walk round town for lunch. The Olympic torch arrives in Scotland tomorrow (maybe tonight) to set off on a week's tour of the country. It will end Day 1 here, George Square in Glasgow. Of 341 blips, I think George Square may have been the most blipped location thus far....because its pretty close to the office.

It was all fenced off today as they get ready for the celebration party taking place tomorrow night. I never noticed this at the time but if you look at the workers on the left, one is camera shy and is shielding his face with his hard hat. This has to have been a reaction to me taking photos (and I wasnt even focusing on them) as in other shots he is chomping away at his lunch! :-)

One of my colleagues, Victoria is one of the torch carriers tomorrow in Giffnock. Very jealous, have a great time Victoria!

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