Sunshine on the Dikes

Many dikes in the countryside are sprinkled with poppies, buttercups, daisies, clover and chives ... very pretty and well worth a 10-minute stop for shots.

This was taken on my way to work, for a change.  Having no lectures on Thursdays this block, I left home at leisure and avoided the traffic accident pile-up on the A17 by taking the detour through Zwingelspaan, Tonnekreek and Willemstad.  Abs not sorry I did that.

Easy day at work, although I could feel my eyelids getting heavier by the hour.  Left at about 16.00 and was happy for the morning blip as it meant I could drive straight home.  Upon arriving, plopped down in a garden chair and napped lightly till hubby had dinner done.  It was at least 25 degrees today, with a slight breeze -- Philippine spring weather ... almost.

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