Pump Trackers

Katie and Gordon on the temporary wooden pump track at Dunbar Grammar School. We just managed to squeeze in a burl after Beaver Scouts, as the rain came on and after the Dad's race - which I was too late for! Damn ;)

Big Pump.

Quite a full-on day, 6 children this morning including a neighbour's pair and then off to Edinburgh for lots of chat at work.

On the way to the station I bumped into the lovely Lali, who I would have loved to stop and chat with but I had 5 minutes to catch the train home... And now she's off to Barcelona for a fortnight, so I hope we see all sorts of great stuff from there :) Have a great time Lali!

Zoomed home in time to cook dinner before I was on duty at Beavers, so Katie put on a Beavers t-shirt and joined in - she can join "properly" after summer when she's 6. One of her girlie friends from our street was there so she settled right in despite the ear-splitting din of 20 6-8 year olds going mental. In a good way.

I dropped the older lads at the pump track on the way to Beavers and expected them to give up and go home, but Duncan was still there an hour and a half later. He loved it and wishes we had a bigger garden!

This is my first blip from the new compact: a Lumix TZ30 with all bells and whistles intact. I like this camera, although this action shot in fading light was stretching its abilities. So, just as well I have Photoshop now :)

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