
By GirlKojak

Dawn for Dawn

We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.

Today has felt a bit dark for me, for some reason. I've felt quite low, but I have come to learn that the sunrise will eventually arrive, whether in a glorious explosion of colour, or quietly and subtly.

It is very unusual for me to see the sunrise! I am not a morning person. However, I didn't sleep at all well last night. In fact, some blippers could be forgiven for thinking I'm from the Antipodes, for all my blip activity during the night. I have therefore spent most of the day asleep.

From the times I was awake, I'm pretty certain that this was the only sun we had today. I had hoped to get out and about blipping, but this will have to do. At least I got out and enjoyed the sun yesterday :)

I want to dedicate this blip to my friend Dawn. She isn't a blip member (as far as I'm aware) but she sees my blip posts on facebook and is always positive and encouraging. I'm fortunate to have many wonderful friends who support me in so many ways, but it was Dawn that came to mind while taking this, for obvious reasons!

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