
By TBay

Rusty returns.

This is Rusty returning home this evening from his various activities today. I have had to miss my Tractor Tuesday so their if Farming Friday this week!!

For me a visit to my hairdresser first thing. Then home to welcome the new gardener who failed to turn up!! I think Mr Tbay will be phoning him in the morning. Grrrrr!

Office work for most of the rest of the day. Mr Tbay was in mow mode and even had Mr Tbay Jnr at it too!!

Farming - two on compost hauling.

It was Mrs Tbay Jnrs sisters (Miss L ) 30th birthday, so we had a BBQ . I volunteered to cook. As it turned out it rained so I got very wet!! The British must be the only country in the world who BBQ in any weather!

Extras today - Miss L with Little Miss.

Happy weekend blippers!!

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