Mad Little Road

That's what we called this small stretch of Midlothian, after Alfred Wainwright's Mad Little Road, which winds its way along the west coast between Drumrunie and Lochinver in Assynt. It is rather shorter than Wainwright's, being a few hundred yards at most.

When we discovered it in the late 1990's the surface of the road, where it descends steeply just beyond the bridge, was reduced to a rough track with a stream of water flowing constantly down, draining into the burn at the sharp bend at the bottom. We were quite disappointed when the drainage was improved and the road re-surfaced but we visit it now and then, like today after our family lunch at the Sun Inn, just for fun.

More alterations have been made in the area since the Google camera car drove along there, with the construction of the new Borders Railway which passes below. I notice also that it now has a name, Povert Road, but it will always be Our Mad Little Road.

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