Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

A bevvy of Blippers

A fabulous afternoon spent in the company of Kendall and Sue, Goatee, Rae, Arachne, Blast, PokeyBagel, Sara Evans and about half a dozen others whose names I just can't remember.  On arrival 'by the Turbine Hall' I was quickly approached by a smiley woman (Blast) who asked 'Are you here for Kendall?' then one by one others approached, some tentatively, others more confidently.  The one thing we all said was, in slightly hushed and furtive tones 'Are you .....'  followed by introductions using our Blipnames.  I have a feeling some people thought we were spies on a day off.

My 'extras' show portraits of some of the Blippers at the Blipmeet.

Time passed swiftly, the conversations were many and varied and in the Turbine Hall itself a group of activists were carrying out an action.  You can see a video about it here. and the photos I took here.

Although I wouldn't want to live there, I love London - it's always full of surprises.

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