what we did today...

By SarnieV

Beware very large ladybirds throwing pinecones!

The fun continues into the morning, much hilarity and silliness! Our guests went home after a bit of face painting by me and a lot of colouring and giddyness from the kids. I took the boys out for a walk as they had far too much energy. D was dressed as a ladybird. C nearly had a pinecone fall on his head - squirrels were dropping them from the very top of the trees - that would have hurt!
After some fresh air and exercise, they had a wee play on the PS before D went to a gymnastic party n C n I headed off to the shops. We were recalled to the party as D was suddenly taken ill. He deteriorated rapidly developing a temperature within an hour, and spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on the sofa watching deadly60. He then requested to go to bed way before 7, proving he really was feeling poorly. Hope he's feeling better tomorrow after a good nights sleep.
I had a film eve planned with some girls which alas had to be cancelled, so I spent the eve folding cards n putting them in cellophane bags - the glam side of work as an artist! Don't know why I only ordered 100 bags tho when I'd got over 200 cards printed...

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