A Squirrelly Day

I felt a little like this squirrel today. This squirrel went from tree to tree looking for food and I went from thing to thing trying to accomplish lots of things in a short time. This squirrel took time to find food at every tree stopping to nibble and I took time to nibble on some food from time to time!  I don't know how many miles this squirrel did by running up and down the tree, but I did four miles on the elliptical machine this morning.  With having so many oak and pine trees on our property we have a lot of squirrel nests.  They are all over the place.  Our dogs really don't like them and the squirrels  love to taunt our dogs.  For once I was happy to see a squirrel, because I needed a photo for my blip!
Hope this joke brings a smile!
Psychologist:  What brings you here today?  
Squirrel:  I realized I am what I eat…..Nuts!

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