Good News - Almost!!

My shopping has been found!!  It was still where I left it and was found by a member of staff after I had rung to enquire if it had been handed in.  So all the kind wishes and good vibes from blip friends worked their magic - thank you!

The even better news is that the staff member who found it actually lives in the same town as me, so she offered to deliver it by hand after she had finished work today.  How is that for serendipity?

Unfortunately, when the door bell rang, it was for her to tell me that she'd forgotten to pick it up and my bag was still sitting in Customer Services!!  However, she has promised to bring it home with her tomorrow evening, so I will be reunited with it soon.  I still feel extremely lucky and will try to be much more careful in future!

Spent a lovely day in the garden replanting and tidying things up and hanging up some baskets in the hope of better weather ahead.  I was fascinated to see these two young starlings where they had no business to be - inside  the bird feeder which has a baffle to prevent larger birds getting access!  They really struggled to get out again and won't be able to access this much longer at the rate they were eating!

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