
By Madchickenwoman


A perfectly lazy sunday with a blazing fire at the end! Whats not to like!
I did not go down to help with the Refugee Day as I knew I just didn't have the stamina - last year it was 3 hours solid chopping of veg for the spicy veg casserole, then  an hour and a half serving with lettuce and couscous! Once you are there you just can't leave till the job is done - then there is the tidying up! So instead a day pottering in the garden, playing with chickens, walking Portly Lucy and then a sleep in the afternoon till 8 pm!!!
Red Mite clearing of the compost heap continues, so after feeding the girls I fed the incinerator! It was just embers so I went to pick strawberries and creamed one of the girls with red defeathered wings with an unctuous smelly wonder cream! By this point the fire had taken and I spent an hour and a half feeding it and watching the sunset with birds in V formation flying who knows where! 
Had so much fun photographing the fire then after topping up with damp compost wandered home to strip and put my probably mite infested clothes in the wash and my body in the shower! I have so many bites!!! But am sooo happy after a grand fire! Time to eat!!!! 

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