Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Blue Heron On Pond

It was another beautiful day in the Pacific NW...the weather this year has been so amazing, although with that comes the chance of early forest fires.  It was a day to get caught up on things...a day to visit with friends, and to try out my new camera.  The blue heron was my visitor to our pond, so I had a great subject and beautiful light.  This camera is exceeding all of my expectations...I'm loving the color and clarity.  And these were all taken as JPGs because I couldn't for the life of me figure out where the "quality" settings were......ugh!  Finally figured it out later today after I printed out the entire manual.  Guess who has lots of reading to do!!!  For .jpgs I was happy, and no doubt the raw images will be even better.

Had some friends over for pizza tonight and watched the basketball playoffs....always fun!

More photos on flickr

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