Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Coffee coloured

Sunny day in Paris!
Started off with a hot, hilly 10k around the Parc Buttes-Chaumont. The first half was rather faster than planned as I tried to keep up with the guy who seemed to know a good route. He was probably an Olympic Athlete or something. After I had overtaken him*, he peeled off and I slowed down. Later, we met up with H and looked round the flea market along the edge of the Parc. C had "forgotten" to give me any money so I wasn't able to buy the Nikon SLR that was calling to me.

By the time we ate our picnic at about 3:30, like any hungry 5-year old, I was probably very grumpy.

We followed that with coffe at a cafe (here we see C and H vetting the pictures that I had taken on C's phone - there is a lot of Quality Control that goes on before they allow a picture to be used (Quality Control which this picture bypassed completely)). And later, after H had had to do a bit of work(!), we had a great meal at a place called "The Canteen"

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