HOW many dogs per square yard?

My/our Brother in Law had a rather fine coincidence not so long ago.
His birthday, that year, coincided with Fathers' Day. Not content with that, one of his birthday presents was a shiny new Grandson.
I'll be honest, I can't remember the actual date, as Fathers' Day seems to be a movable feast (Like Easter). But I do know that it's around now that we venture in that direction bearing gift(s).
This year we were asked if we could stop by in Keswick and buy some "Soda-Bread" for a member of the family for whom Yeast is so much of a noNO that he cannot eat "normal" Bread.
Unforskinately the Artisan bloke was sold out of it, but I managed a grade A "Allday Breakfast" in The Coffee Lounge and we had a troll around Keswick.
EVERY time we're in Keswick on a Market Day I never cease to be amazed by the density of canine flesh in paws per square yard. This time being no exception. I shot off a few from-the-hip and found two, on return to base.
In this one I can see a certain 6, may have been 7 since I didn't remember the Whippet census.
The "extra" is the shot, literally turning 90˚ from the first shot.

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