Woman Walking

By njoyce06

Ocean City

   There are beautiful homes here in New Jersey.  They remind me of Savannah minus the southern charms.  There are huge trees and canopied sidewalks, gardens, flowers and beaches.  Above is an example of a home, raised up off the ground (in the event of flooding, hurricanes, and winter storms.)  Garages are underneath the first floor sometimes.  The first floor is usually for rent, the second floor is for family who come in for the summer. Some homes have a third floor.  I am sure two of the three are rented. A week in July here can cost $3500.00.  In many of the photos  you will see above ground wires, strung everywhere.  They are a spaghetti mess.  When the next hurricane that comes up the coast hits, it will be a real mess.
   Extra photos are flowers and beaches.

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