South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

In Dad's garden

There are groups of wonderful scented roses growing over the fence from next door in Dad's garden. They have a fragrant orangey scent and have orange buds opening into pale yellow flowers. This is the centre of one of them as I loved the stamen as well.

A bit of a difficult time for Dad at the moment, the operation not having achieved the results he would have wished. He needs to see a stoma nurse urgently. I feel the aftercare he has had from the hospital was poor - and this was a private hospital! I am not impressed, as nothing was explained to him before he left after the op and he wasn't given anything to protect the sore skin around the operation site. Also no explanation given as to the lack of improvement in his situation until he saw the specialist some weeks later. He is trying to be positive, but not easy with all the problems he has been left with. And this is a man who will be ninety in just over a week.

Rant over.

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