
By BrownBuddy1


They just can't keep up with us! Our doggie visitor is lying exhausted in her bed, no way was she going to get up to come out with us, her owners were only too pleased to have an excuse to stay in their armchairs with their ipads. "Oh no, Bella's too tired to go out again. We'll  just stay here with her. Don't let us stop you though, you have a good walk."

So we did, we went down on the beach, not such a stunning beach as yesterday, but certainly better than staying in with an ipad for company. Poppy enjoyed her swim, shook water all over Bud,  had a good chase with another playful Labrador, Bud hurtled after his ball non stop and then we all went back home refreshed, having enjoyed the salty air, the scenery and the exercise.

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