
By PointerJam

My island

I woke this morning with a photo message from Mum of my island in the UK.

Before you think it, I don't actually 'own' this island - but it still belongs to me. As a child I spent many summers in the UK and during this time I claimed this island that we regularly drove past as 'mine'. Sometimes it would be there, sometimes it wouldn't. Sometimes you would just be able to see a tiny patch with the rest submerged in water. I think that's probably why I loved it so much, because it was never guaranteed to be there when you drove past.

As soon as I saw the photo it brought back so many memories of my childhood. Jam donuts, sprinklers, visiting castles, English sausages, the smell of the Old Rec's kitchen, butterflies, long walks with Granny. It all seems so long ago, but it's like it all was just yesterday.

Time to start planning my next visit, I think. In the meantime, I'll stay grateful to Blip for shortening the distance between here and there x

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