Denzil's occasional Blips

By denzilblount

Beyond weird (365 mono #296)

I spent an hour or so after hours at work editing my images as I still don't have a decent laptop at home. This meant that I got back late and so take-away for tea, TV to relax and then bed.

But what about my Blip for today...?

I forgot. Disappointingly, if I'd had a bit of confidence, I had an opportunity on the way home. A guy was painting the outside of a restaurant. It would have made the perfect street mono. I drove past and debated going back and asking to take his picture, but chickened out.

The fact that I have to use this image serves me right for my lack of confidence. As a joke, I sent the wife a pic of me in my running underpants (very attractive, I assure you!). The response was 'That is beyond weird!'. Unfortunately, it was the only photo that I took yesterday. It has been heavily edited using Snapseed to protect my dignity and everybody else's sanity!

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