a modest enquirer

By lewishamdreamer

Gelato With Chris

I'm glad we stopped our cinema habit. Chris and I both used to watch pretty much every film out - we both had Cineworld Unlimited cards (he still does I think) - and as nice as it always was to see him, it had started to become a regular exercise in disappointment. It's all well and good not paying to watch new movies, but so few of them were any good. Then there was the experience of watching them in Britain's largest and most customer unfriendly cinema chain. The social aspect of meeting up with Chris was starting to play second fiddle to managing a 'thing' rather than just having a nice time. 

I took this portrait in Trafalgar Square just after we'd finished our gelato from La Gelatiera on New Row (the favourite of pretty much everyone I know). Smart cookies that they are they've taken a leaf out of Gelupo's book and now charge by size of serving rather than the number of scoops. That meant I had silly quantities of chilli chocolate, pistachio and honey, rosemary & orange zest. Who cares about the 'heritage wardens' telling people off for sitting on walls when you've got nom like that? Cineworld felt a long time ago indeed. 

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