Lovely day!

What a lovely day I've had today. It's my birthday, and we started off with breakfast out, I had some vouchers given from a friend, so we had breakfast at the Wellington Boot, a real treat, with cereal, toast, my hubby had a full English and I had a Crouque Madame, new for me and delicious. Later we had a sandwich at Cobo Tearooms for a late lunch, I had to have help to finish mine off, but hubby was happy to help ;0) then we collected our Daughter and little Grandson and had birthday cake, oh and a bit more cake mid afternoon with our older Son and Grandaughter. We are just having a light evening meal. I've seen all of our children, and had a lovely day. Oh yes, I forgot my hubby took me into town to buy my birthday present! Spoilt? Yes!! But apparently I'm worth it! It started off well with a birthday card or 4 but 1 had glittery bits in!! Oh dear, they were all over the bed, on the floor, then I found one as I was having a shower! Now this person will probably be reading this and giggling her head off! But I don't forget ;0))

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