From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

It takes three?

I thought I saw the hound of the Baskervilles in the garden by the bird bath! I was so surprised (and it was only 5:20am) that I didn't pick up the camera in time to catch the big, beautiful fox. The fox didn't hang around with the starlings making enough racket to waken the whole street and me gawking out.

It was a day in the office today. It was a busy one but I never mind that. I managed to get out at lunch time for a walk but it was very muggy and I was glad to get back in to sit in front of my fan.

Nothing else to report today. I got back to see Eddie (the hedgehog) just shuffling under the shed. There were starlings and pigeons everywhere. This was a quieter moment.

Track? I fancy a bit of Peter Green today - Need Your Love So Bad

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