My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Window to the soul?

I wonder how people read me sometimes. What they think when they look in my eyes ... in some ways I'd really like to know, and in some ways I really don't!

Last night my sister challenged me to write a story within the next week - so this morning I started writing a story. For inspiration, I shuffled my iTunes and used the title of the first song that came up - it was Afterlife by Switchfoot - so my story is about death. Joyful.

In the afternoon I drove my mum out to Penicuik and then on to West Linton to pick stuff up/drop stuff off regarding her work, then we dropped in to my Grandparents' house and when we were back in Edinburgh we went to see some friends who have recently come back from America. It was great to see them again, especially Caleb who has grown several inches in the last year and sounds more American than ever!

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