Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

If the cap fits ...

The Girl Racer went back to Canada today. We went to Morrisons at 7.30am to buy Bovril (a scarce commodity over there and much sought after by ex-pats) and then had breakfast in Carluccio's at Heathrow. I blubbed and had what can only be described as a quiet afternoon at work, although my colleagues gave me lots of TLC and one lovely hug. I bought enough chocolate to cause a chocoverdose and pulled up weeds for an hour when I got home. TSM and the boys were very sweet. But the  house is one messy girl short of a full set and I will need a little while to get over it.

This is me as a Dutch bloke in an old oil painting looking miserable. Well, not really. Just a daft picture of me with my cap on back to front.

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