Our day?!

Morning trek around town.

Ann goes to work.  I snooze in my bed.  Afternoon walk up ‘Rosewall Hill’ & surrounding lanes. 

Needed to get our walking pedometer up to 5 miles to meet our #walk1000miles challenge.  Only reached 4.8miles but Ann says that’s OK ‘cos she’s been out tonight and now the pedometer has clocked up more than 6 miles. Yay!

I’ve had to stay ‘home alone’ tonight while Ann went to the Porthmeor Beach Cafe and had the most amazing meal.  No little titbits for me tonight.

Sitting in the ‘outdoor pod’; she could have been in the Caribbean.  Fabulous views, fabulous food, fabulous company.

St Ives, Cornwall is the most amazing place to live. 

We LOVE it!!!

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