Flower Friday - Flowering Rhubarb

When I blipped a macro photo of a rhubarb flower last week (here), several fellow blippers commented that they'd never seen rhubarb flowers. So I thought it was time to blip a wider-angle photo to prove they exist - and that you can't miss them when they grow! (OK, so they're not very pretty seen like this - but hopefully they're interesting!).

The flowers have matured somewhat since the macro 10 days ago, and are turning a brownish colour - and they've grown even taller - the tiny flowers are on stalks which are now about 6 feet tall. In the past I've generally pulled off the flowering stalks to avoid them sapping the energy of the rest of the rhubarb, but it grows so vigorously here (like triffids) that I reckoned it doesn't matter: this time I thought I'd watch and see how they develop.

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