
By Jaxter46


How wet has today been, it hasn't let up, not even a break in the weather to take the dogs out, they hate being cooped up.

Started yet more decorating trying to save myself some money instead of getting the decorator in. I'm going to pay for it in the morning though wrists and back are killing already. I've got a small cottage, a two up two down. Its not an easy feat to get jobs done as there is nowhere to put anything and since Gary moved back home and we are one room down jobs are done at a snails pace. Paint, tidy up, move things around then start again the following day.

Put the bookcase back up tonight so there is a bit more space in our bedroom it also gave me the opportunity to have a good clear out, took ages as I hate throwing books away, there is only a small pile for the charity shop. Tomorrow shelves, banisters and all the other bits and pieces will get moved and then I can get on with the stairs.

Its still pouring down, and blowing a gale

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