In the morning I worked at my little spot in the garden. Put plants that waited to be planted then and there. Hopefully they like their new home.
Plants do not have a home, I know, their feet stand in the soil, their eyes look into the sky.
The weather not warm, not cold. Too little rain, perhaps that will change soon.
In the afternoon Mischa and I walked to the Papgeienhof, first a hill down, then a hill up. Overlooking the plain with fields with corn plants.
The Hof will have even more parrots and parakeets than they had. Neat signs indicate where the birds come from and find a safe shelter here.
Just when we had arrived Piet Hein joined us. Because of the cloudy weather, he had come by car so we could journey together home.
Although the clouds looked threatening, the rain did not fall.

My haiku:

They were in caves but
One was free and flew over
Our surprised heads

And the proverb:

When the clouds are upon the hills, they'll come down by the mills.

1678  Ray, 49

The extra photo shows the free bird.

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