Bra wire???!!!

Bra wire is really not the type of thing that a ‘classy little collie’, like me, wants to be blipping on a Saturday night.............................  But honestly.................... some of these folk from ‘up country’ just have no idea how to behave when they’re sat in the 'Rum & Crab Shack' having a glass bottle of Prosecco???

This is Heather and her very lovely dog Maddy.  Heather owns a very lovely holiday house and comes to St Ives regularly for little visits. 

Normally she’s quite well behaved but do you know what she did this evening?..................

.......................There we were; just sitting enjoying our Prosecco well obviously me & Maddy weren’t because we’re dogs, not alcoholics??!! when all of a sudden Heather produced this bit of wire out of her chest and tried to discreetly put it into her handbag.  Apparently it was ‘digging in’ to her.  Let’s face it; we all know the problem girls.

Ann is NOT very discreet so she said, ‘Molly go and sit next to Heather & Maddy.  This will make a good blip.’

...................And that’s why I’ve been blipped next to Heather holding a bit of bra wire!!!

BUT the question is?..............................

 How many bras has Heather brought on holiday with her.
Is Heather going to put this bit of wire back into her bra?
Is Heather going to be walking around town ‘bra-less’

......................Who knows???????????????

PS:  What is probably more important is..........................  Is Heather actually still going to be speaking to us after she’s seen this BLIP???

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